Foam Roof Coating Systems in California — Universal Coatings

Heat can damage your building

Did you know that your roof goes through cycles of expansion and contraction almost every day throughout the year? This is otherwise known as thermal expansion and contraction and is caused by temperature fluctuations in your roof, which can be detrimental to the life of your system. Universal Coatings ROOF COATING RESTORATION SYSTEM can stop this in its tracks extending the life of your roof and other critical components of your building.

Cool Roof System

We all know that roofing systems are designed and installed to be waterproof, but did you know that a non-reflective roof can account for up to 40% of your electricity costs? Universal Coatings Roof Coating Restoration System has been specifically formulated to not only act as a waterproof roof system, but perform as a high quality UV reflective coating.

Typical Roof VS. UCI Roof Coating Restoration System

Typical Roof VS. UCI Roof Coating Restoration System

UCI Roof Coating Restoration System

UCI Roof Coating Restoration System

If you are like most business owners, you probably spend more of your time worrying about what is going on inside your facility than what is going on top of it.

No need to worry... UCI Roof Coatings has you covered!

The Facts

Studies have show that cool roof coatings can reduce your buildings energy consumption by up to 40%. Universal Coatings ROOF COATING RESTORATION SYSTEMS are specifically formulated to reflect the suns UV rays, waterproof the roof, and provide a low maintenance, cost effective solution for buildings and structures of any size and complexity.


Coating Application Process


When to Re-coat

If your roof looks like this, you could be jeopardizing the integrity of your SPF roof system. Re-coat your SPF roofing system in a timely manner is extremely important to ensuring the long term performance and sustainability of your SPF roof system. UCI Coating Systems are an excellent solution for keeping your foam in top condition.

Most conventional roofs begin to fail before the end of their standard life expectancy. No need to worry…UCI Roof Coatings Restoration Systems can Help!

With over 100 million square feet of roof coating systems installed, here are a few completed projects

What to Expect With Roof Coating Restoration Systems:

  • Save the cost of total roof replacement: A roof restoration is typically a fraction of the cost of a roof replacement.

  • Utility bills: See up to a 40% reduction in your electricity costs.

  • Prevents thermal expansion and contraction: Prevents the inevitable issues caused by thermal expansion and contraction.

  • Controls corrosion: Extend and protect the life of your roof by eliminating elements that cause corrosion and organic growth.

  • Lower maintenance costs: Roof coatings prevent corrosion, algae/fungus growth, and problematic leaks making the roof easy to maintain, clean, and repair.

  • Cools interior temperatures: By creating a highly reflective roof surface, your existing roofing system will not absorb the suns heat and will in turn drastically lower the interior temperature of your building.

  • Sealant: Our monolithic coating system encapsulates seams and penetrations improving the overall integrity of your roof system, leaving no areas for potential failure.


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